When to Call in a Bee Exterminator – Wheeler’s Pest Control

When to Call in a Bee Exterminator
With all the news about the “Killer Bee” invasion, people have developed a fear of bees. But seeing bees in your yard doesn’t mean you should call in a bee exterminator right away.
Finding bees flying around your yard is not a reason to panic and call in an exterminator. You see bees travel long distances to find food. If you see some around, you can bet their nest is probably a long way away and there is little need to worry. But you should still keep an eye on the situation because those bees may be a scouting party looking for a place for their hive to live.
If you see bees clustering close to your home, beware. They may be looking for a place to live for their 60,000 to 80,000 friends. They will usually select a dark, cavernous place to set up housekeeping. If they find a crack or gap they can get through that leads to an open space they may move right in. Once they get in they will establish a permanent colony. If you see bees flying in and out of a hole in a wall or under eaves of you home it’s time to call in an expert to exterminator.
Wheeler’s Pest Control would be glad to help with any of your pest control problems. Just give us a call.

With all the news about the “Killer Bee” invasion, people have developed a fear of bees. But seeing bees in your yard doesn’t mean you should call in a bee exterminator right away.
Finding bees flying around your yard is not a reason to panic and call in an exterminator. You see bees travel long distances to find food. If you see some around, you can bet their nest is probably a long way away and there is little need to worry. But you should still keep an eye on the situation because those bees may be a scouting party looking for a place for their hive to live.
If you see bees clustering close to your home, beware. They may be looking for a place to live for their 60,000 to 80,000 friends. They will usually select a dark, cavernous place to set up housekeeping. If they find a crack or gap they can get through that leads to an open space they may move right in. Once they get in they will establish a permanent colony. If you see bees flying in and out of a hole in a wall or under eaves of you home it’s time to call in an expert to exterminator.
Wheeler’s Pest Control would be glad to help with any of your pest control problems. Just give us a call.

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