Gophers Cause Woman’s Death after Digging undermined freeway!

Gophers Cause Woman's Death after Digging undermined freeway!
Gopher Control- Orange County Pest Control
crash on a highway that killed a woman.
gopher control orange county
Highway Patrol released photos of a crash that killed 32-year-old Sonia Lopez. At about 4 a.m. on July 14, Lopez was heading to work when her car fell into a hole in the roadway and was killed instantly. Her car was totaled.
For a week, it was not clear why there would be a 15-by-40-foot hole taking up an entire lane of the highway. But the highway department investigation found that irrigation waters running through gopher tunnels under the road led to the massive collapse of the roadway.
"It’s a tragic story and a tragic accident, the Highway Patrol told local radio stations and papers. It’s not unusual for gophers to weaken embankments and hill side with their digging. Experts said that an adult gopher will move about 1 ton of dirt in a year if left unchecked. Gopher holes allowed water to get under the roadway, which ultimately led to the collapse ... It looks like over a period of time, the water eroded dirt under the road and softened it up."

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