Jul,16 2019

Free, Green Summer Pest Control?


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by Ryan Wheeler

The desire to cut cost could be to stay in a budget, or perhaps you just like to get the best deal, plus the best assurance you’re getting the least impactful pest treatment possible, what ever your reasoning is, this article isn’t here to sell you a thing.  In fact, I’ll ask the good people to step up, and take charge.  

When you call a pest control company, at some point, a technician, or inspector shows up to your home.  The first, and most important single task they do isn’t spraying pesticide, nor setting up rodent baiting.  The critical task they do is inspection, followed quickly by listening to the home owner about what has been taking place.  Where is your free pest control I mentioned….its at this moment when you read this article, or the technician completes their inspection of your home.  In most cases, people’s yards, garages, and even inside their homes need some amount of tidying up.  After being in thousands of homes of every income level, every education level, and areas spanning the pacific coast to the southwest deserts, I can tell you for certain most homes need some minor to medium adjustments to help deal with pest issues.  The bell curve applies here, with the worst of the worst, and the best of the best being the minorities in numbers.  

Free starts here.  

1.  Declutter your yard:  Get some work gloves, chug some water, and throw on your 

work jeans.  Call a hauling service if needed, but get yard clutter away from your home,

and dispose of as much of this material as you can without discarding things you need.

The material which remains, you’re going to organize it, and store it in a orderly manner.

2.  Water:   Next is to inspect, repair, and replace your irrigation, and water systems 

around your home.  Sprinkler heads will be checked to see if they work properly, any

standing ground water will be investigated to see if its a leak, or overwatering, and 

all your hoses/valves for garden hoses will be checked for function/leaks.  This would

also be a good time to look for standing water in the clutter or outdoor items.

3.  Landscaping:  Any pest control technician worth their salt should be able to tell you

what landscaping alterations need to be made to reduce pest and rodent issues.  These 

can also be found online with simple search engine queries.  A good, simple rule of

thumb is to keep the minimal around the house, and the more elaborate away from the 


4.  Garage:  There is a high probability you already know if your garage needs some 

work.  This is a good opportunity to have some friends over, or get the family together 

for a trip down messy memory lane.  Get the clutter out, empty the garage as much as

possible, sweep/wash out the entire space, put up shelves if needed, and as you bring

the things back in to the garage, inspect all of it, discarding what you can, cleaning and 

repairing the others, and selling what you don’t need.  

5.  Inside:  The major points of interest here are the “water” rooms, i.e. Kitchen, 

bathrooms.  Next up is where food is stored.  If you can, slide your fridge, or have some

one help you do this, but get behind those large appliances to sweep, and mop.

Your free pest control is the absence of paying me to apply heavy, and or broad treatments in, and around your house because of the above conditions.  This comes with a bonus as well.  The exercise betters your health, things you didn’t need or use anymore that were sold put money in your pocket, and you have knocked out work you were planning on doing anyway.  

Your green pest control also come from the above.  Zero Pesticides, and zero rodenticide are used during the above actions.  The more you do by hand, using good old 

elbow grease keeps it greener, if that’s your thing.  Either way, pest and rodents have a harder time annoying you with these chores knocked out.

Of course, we are a for profit company, and we here at Wheeler’s Pest Control have our own families, so when you’ve knocked out your chores, and the pest and rodents keep coming, give us a call.  With these changes made in and around your home, I have to be at your house less, and can detect problems quicker.  I can set your prices to the minimal levels because I don’t have to be at your house very long, and early detection by my customers means I can head off large/costly infestations with minimal interventions.  

Hear from Our Happy Customers

Teresa Hutchinson

Guys came on time did their job in a very professional way and we are very happy with their service.

Joe English

Company is on top of their game David  showed up to get are gophers. came out three days in a row haven’t seen a go for since

Gary M.

Joseph is a great ambassador for Wheeler's pest control, and a shout out to Daniel for dealing with my crazy schedule. Thanks guys!

Kristen Forrester

A local business that everyone should support. All techs are knowledgeable, professional! FYI, they are also great w/ eradicating gophers as well!!