Ground Squirrel Control

Ground squirrels can be a nuisance to homeowners, as they can damage gardens, and structures. There are a number of methods for controlling ground squirrels, including:
Exclusion: This involves making your property less attractive to ground squirrels by sealing up holes in your foundation and exterior walls, removing piles of debris that could provide shelter, and trimming trees and shrubs to eliminate hiding places. Also sealing up holes in foundation for ground squirrel control

Trapping: This can be an effective way to remove a small number of ground squirrels. However, it is important to use traps that are checked regularly.

Repellents: There are a number of repellents available that can be used to deter ground squirrels. However, these repellents are often not very effective and may need to be reapplied frequently.
Repellents for ground squirrels control
Baiting: This is a common method for controlling ground squirrels, but it is important to use bait that is safe for children and pets. Bait should be placed in tamper-proof bait stations to prevent accidental poisoning.

Bait stations for ground squirrels
Fumigation: This is a more extreme method that should only be used as a last resort. Fumigation can be dangerous if not done properly, and it is important to hire a professional to do the job.

Fumigation for ground squirrels It is important to note that ground squirrels are a protected species in some areas. It is always best to check with your local wildlife authorities before taking any steps to control ground squirrels on your property.
Call Wheeler’s Pest Control to remove ground squirrels from your property.

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