5 ways to rid your home and yard of rats – Rat Control

                      5 ways to rid your home and yard of rats – Rat Control

Rat overpopulation has been a problem in Southern California for years. At Wheeler’s Pest Control we try to combat this problem and educate people on the best ways to control the number of rats in the residential areas we serve.

Dan Wheeler, CEO for Wheeler’s Pest Control, said they started seeing rats becoming rampant in coastal cities 6 years ago during the extended drought. Ever since, he said, residents and business owners have just exacerbated the issue.

“In reality, rats are not the problem. It’s the people that are the problem,” he said. “As long as we keep providing a food source, shelter and water for them, we’re never going to reduce the population.”

"In that first-year community groups would go from house to house in my neighborhoods and tried to educate people about the rat problem (“Van Nuys Neighborhood Terrorized by Rat 'Infestation’) and asked people to do an inspection of their backyard," he said. "Most people were very amenable to it."

Daniel said the key to eliminating rat overpopulation in Southern California is for the residents themselves to take responsibility for their yard.

“People don’t take the time to really check their properties and some people just don’t want to deal with it,” she said. “But the only way that we're going to get this under control is if every resident takes responsibility for good stewardship in their yards.  

 Daniel said each county keeps track of calls about rat problems within their borders. The Southern California counties try educating people on rats on their websites. “They breed unbelievably, a male and a female rat can produce over 2,000 rats in one breeding season," Daniel said. "They’re nocturnal, so just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there."

1. Plant all shrubs, plants and flower beds a minimum of 36 inches from the base of your house, shed or other physical structures on your property.                                                                                                               2. Rinse out garbage cans with hot water and bleach. Air-dry the cans. Tightly tie all garbage bags and place them into the garbage cans. Secure all garbage can lids.

3. With the hot bleach water mixture from the trash can cleaning, put water in a bucket and mop patio.                                                                                                                                    4.  Place any firewood on raised racks that are 1 foot off the ground.                                                                                                                                                5. Don’t store or place anything against you home.

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